Thursday, August 2, 2007

Henry and Owen's Summer

Henry and Owen are having a great summer...

they love to play and explore,

jump on the trampoline with their cousins,

eat yummy popcicles while almost nude,

and lots of other things:

playing with outlet covers and sucking them like a binkie, fighting with each other while they climb up their highchairs, going to nursery, helping grandma sweep, talking to daddy on the computer, petting the cat and making him bat at them, giggling during naptime, playing with their house/tent Grandma Toni made them, jumping on the bed, moving their porta-cribs while they're in them (I still haven't figured out how they do that), singing in church (while holding a hymn book)--even during the talks and prayers, racing mom and grandma down the halls, discovering treasures on top of the counters, and biting each other when they both want the same toy.

Yep, they're having fun this summer.



Les said...

I like to look at that picture of Henry jumping on the tramp and imagine he's riding an invisible horse.

Christy said...

Don't forget hugging cousin Gus and touching noses with him.

Alicen said...

We love these little guys!! We're glad we get to see 'em whenever we go to Grandma and Grandpa's!!