Tuesday, August 14, 2007
10 Years!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Saturday at Brighton
Monday, August 6, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Millcreek Date
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Grandma and Grandpa's July
Let's see, what else has happened? Oh some not as fun things. The stock market too a nose dive for one thing right after we invested more money in it. Then we had a couple of vacancies which means lots of time-consuming little repairs for Grandpa, the fix-it guy. We finally got smart and now have a list of things we expect tenants to do if they want their full deposit back. That's cut cleaning time tremendously. Yahoo! Christy came and helped us get rid of some wallpaper residue this week with her equipment. Thanks, Chris.
Nicki and Christy have also been helping us get rid of stuff and clean out here at home. It takes someone else to help you get rid of stuff because everything looks valuable when you find those things you didn't know you still had in the first place. Looks like we'll be having a garage sale soon because we have lots of stuff which has now been transferred to the garage. It makes you realize how blessed you are when you have so much extra that you can't fit it all in your house anymore.
Grandma Anya still hasn't heard from Deseret Book to find out how her book is doing, but should any day. She has been waking up at three or four every day and working on another book. We'll see what happens. Nicki just read through the rough draft and gave some input, but really liked it. And that's what we did this July! See you next month.
Henry and Owen's Summer
eat yummy popcicles while almost nude,
and lots of other things:
playing with outlet covers and sucking them like a binkie, fighting with each other while they climb up their highchairs, going to nursery, helping grandma sweep, talking to daddy on the computer, petting the cat and making him bat at them, giggling during naptime, playing with their house/tent Grandma Toni made them, jumping on the bed, moving their porta-cribs while they're in them (I still haven't figured out how they do that), singing in church (while holding a hymn book)--even during the talks and prayers, racing mom and grandma down the halls, discovering treasures on top of the counters, and biting each other when they both want the same toy.
Yep, they're having fun this summer.
Tyson's New Pet